Saturday, November 08, 2008

The end of the day

Tamagawa river between Tamagawadaikoen and Shinmaruko, Tokyo/Kanagawa, Japan. Taken with the D300 and Tamron 200-500mm@500mm.

So far, the latest firmware update has made the camera a different beast concerning autofocus. It isn't perfect, but finally I can feel confident using any autofocus mode under certain conditions. It also focuses much more quickly, even with the Tamron 200-500. Birds in flight are now much, much easier to get. It's almost like having a new camera. Knock on wood.


Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful shot - needs to be viewed big in order to make out those ghostly trees in the background.

I really should update my D80 firmware...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chris.

I am trying to print this, and it is once of the most difficult to print I have ever done, mostly due to being able to allow the trees to be somewhat visible in the print while keeping the overall atmosphere the same.