Photos from the Kanto plain area (mostly) of Japan: Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, and surrounding areas. Not likely to see many geisha or samurai. Just the Japan which has little to do with myths and movies---and yes, Tokyo IS part of the "real Japan."
Michael, a well-known landscape photographer now based in Toronto Canada will be in Tokyo on 27 February 2008 to give a seminar entitled: Landscape – Nature – Documentary Photography: Inspiration and Technical Insight.
Pre-registration is required, but the price is right and I am sure it will be very interesting.
On the Tama River. Incidentally, this was taken at ISO 1600 with normal noise reduction with the Nikon D300. Nikon makes good cameras, but terrible software, and as noted below, less than helpful support. (Nikon would claim otherwise though which shows you what they consider good customer support on the software side.) Nikon D300, Tamron 200-500mm@500mm. 1/200@f8. Tripod used.
If you want English support from Nikon USA, you might think again. Of course you could use Nikon Japan support in Japanese or very limited English. I received this from Nikon USA concerning problems I have with Nikon's Capture NX which was included with my new D300:
It appears that you are located outside of the North American market. Nikon USA supports products imported and sold in the USA and Canada only. For support for your product please contact the dealer you purchased it from or consult the Nikon distributor in your area. If you feel we are in error, please try again with the web form.
Please visit to find contact information for your region.
You are encouraged to browse and subscribe to Nikon USA's Knowledge Database articles, but Nikon USA can not provide direct feedback for users from other markets.
Thank you too Nikon. I bet you'd even refuse $$$$ from other markets...
This appears to be a new policy. Two years ago, they provided support when I could not get other Nikon software to install. Olympus certainly has no problems with support for its customers. I believe Canon provides support to all customers. Nikon, does not. Well, no more Nikon software for me, and had I not invested so much in lens for Nikon, I would not bother with any more Nikon gear. I don't worship at the altar of any specific manufacturer of electronic/plastic goods.
(The problem with NX is, after I finally got it to install ---thanks to guys on the Nikonian website---I have been unable to open a D300 NEF with it. It crashes and burns as soon as I try. It works with D70 files. I guess Nikon should pay guys on forums who do its support for it at no charge.)
About 2 hours from Tokyo. We spent 2 days there this time, but by the evening of the first day, the snow was melting and mosquitoes were coming out. Then it started raining hard. It always happens when I go somewhere. That is one of the biggest reasons that I am considering buying a Nikon D300---it is "weather proofed." Well, at least weather resistant. Lens aren't though.